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RULE 1176
AQMD 25.3

   Laboratory Services Description
    (Items 1, 2, 3 and 4)
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1. H2S, Mercaptans and other
Sulfur Compounds

Methods: SCAQMD 307-91, ASTM 5504
Detector: GC-SCD

H2S and other organo-sulfur compounds (i.e., Mercaptans and thioethers) are analyzed using an HP5890 Series II gas chromatograph equipped with chemiluminiscence detector. This detector is specific for sulfur compounds, and is utilized for stack emissions testing and for air samples from petroleum refineries. Our GC-SCD is specially modified to minimize sulfur losses on metallic parts. Detection limits for various sulfur compounds range from 10 to 50 parts per billion (10-50 ppbv), using specially coated Silco Can canisters or Tedlar bags with plastic valves.

2. Aliphatic hydrocarbons (C1 - C12)

Methods: EPA Method 18, Ozone precursors
Detector: GC/FID

Aliphatic hydrocarbons from methane to dodecane, including various isomers and olefins, are analyzed using HP5890 Series II gas chromatographs with flame ionization detectors. Our laboratory has three of these systems, one of which is equipped with a NUTECH 3550A cryogenic preconcentration device to concentrate air samples to achieve detection limits below 1 part per billion (1 ppbv), specially suited for ambient air monitoring programs.

3. BTU (HHV) Analysis

Methods: ASTM 3588
Detector: GC with dual detector FID and TCD

This method is applicable for the determination of the chemical composition of fuel gases (refinery, natural, and reformed gases) and similar gaseous mixtures containing the following components: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, ethylene, propylene, propane, and other hydrocarbons. Both GC-FID and GC-TCD determine the hydrocarbons. Fixed gases are determined by GC-TCD. The approximate range for the FID is 0.05% to 99.9%, and for TCD is 0.1% to 99%. After the determination of the composition of the fuel gas sample (refinery gas, natural, and reformed gases), the following properties of the gas mixtures are calculated: heating value (growth and net), relative density and compress­ibility factor (F) at base conditions (14.696 psia and 68 o F). It is applicable to all common types of utility gaseous fuels (for example, city natural gas, reformed gases, oil gas (both high-and low-Btu). Quantum Analytical Services can provide cylinder for fuel sampling.

4. Total non-methane non-ethane
organic carbon

Methods: SCAQMD Method 25.3
Detector: GC/FID

Total Non Methane Non Ethane Organic Compounds (TNMNEOC) is determined by combining the results from independent analysis of the Summa canisters and impinger traps (water). The canisters, which contain the gaseous non-methane compounds, are analyzed separately for CO, methane, CO2 , ethane, ethylene and non-methane non ethane organic compounds using GC-FID. Carbon monoxide, methane, CO2, ethane, and ethylene are separated by an analytical column then passed through the catalysts (oxidizer and methanizer) while the non-methane bon ethane hydrocarbons are trapped inside the analytical column. The order of elution is Carbon Monoxide, Methane, and CO2, Ethylene, and Ethane. Once these gases are separated, they are then passed through the oxidizing catalyst first which converts CO and hydrocarbons to CO2. Then the gases are passed through a reducing catalyst (methaniser) converting them to CH4 which is then quantified by the FID detector. After Ethane is eluted the non-methane non ethane organic compounds are back-flushed from the column and passed first through oxidizing catalyst which convert all non-methane hydrocarbons to CO2 gas, then passed through reducing catalyst. In this process CO2 gas in converted to CH4 which is quantitatively determined by the FID detector. The traps are analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC) by liquid injection into an infra-red total organic carbon analyzer. After sampling the CO2 content in the condensate trap (water) is stripped off the condensate trap and the remaining organic compounds are oxidized to CO2 which is quantitatively measured by NDIR. Non-methane hydrocarbons data is very important for all atmospheric studies.

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