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RULE 1176
AQMD 25.3

   Laboratory Services Description
    (Items 17, 18, 19 and 20)
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Methods: NIOSH 2535
Detector: HPLC/UV

Toluene diisocyanate and Methylene bis phenylisocyanate are collected on specially coated filters or impinger solution of a derivatizing agent (N-p-nitrobenzyl-N- propylamine). Analysis is performed using a Shimadzu 10A HPLC/UV system.

18. Alcohols

Methods: EPA Method 308, NIOSH 2000
Detector: GC/FID

All alcohols are collected in water impingers backed by Silica Gel sorbent tubes. Samples are analyzed using a Shimadzu 14A GC/FID system.

19. Phosphine

Methods: NIOSH 6002
Detector: UV-Vis

Phosphine is collected in silica gel sorbent tubes coated with mercuric cyanide. Samples are extracted and oxidized to phosphate using a hot acidic permanganate solution. The extract is then reacted with ammonium molybdate forming a stable complex which is then measured at 625 nm..

20. Hexavalent Chromium Analysis (Cr+6)

Methods: -
Detector: UV-Vis

Haxavalent Chromium has been identified as an industrial toxic and cancer causing substance. Haxavalent chromium is a known inhalant irritant and associated with respiratory cancer and is associate with Chrome plating and anodizing process and emissions from chrome treated cooling tower. Quantum Analytical Services, Inc. is well equipped and qualified to perform analysis of hexavalent chromium (Cr+6). Ion Chromatography- colorimetric (IC-C) technique is used to measure Cr+6. Dionex DX 500 with post column derivatization and a UV-Vis detector is used for measurements of Cr+6. Our detection limit for haxavalent Chromium is 0.1 ng/ml. A full data package with chromatograms and QA/QC will provided.

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