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RULE 1176
AQMD 25.3

   Laboratory Services Description
    (Items 21, 22 and 23)
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21. Analysis of Pentanes

Methods: SCAQMD 307-91, ASTM5504
Detector: -

Quantum Analytical Services, Inc. has extensive experience in the analysis of pentanes in polystyrene. Quantum Analytical Services, Inc. has been proving the analysis of pentanes to the manufactures of polystyrene since 2000. Quantum Analytical Services, Inc. conducted inter comparison study with SCAQMD for the analysis of pentanes in foam. Our results were in excellent agreement with those of SCAQMD..

22. Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

Methods: SCAQMD method 25.3
Detector: -

Total Organic carbon is analyzed using Shimadzu Instruments TOC 5000A. An aliquot of the samples is introduced into the system. Total organic compounds are converted to CO2 via combustion furnace. The CO2 produced is measured using NDIR detector. The signal produced from the detector is compared to the stored calibration from TOC standard. Quantum Analytical Services, Inc. has multiple Shimadzu TOC 5000A instruments. SCAQMD method 25.3 has strict QA/QC pertaining to the TOC analysis. The sample is analyzed in triplicates. The coefficient of variance (CV) must less than 10 from three analysis.

23. Refinery Fenceline Monitoring
of VOC (EPA 325)

Methods: EPA 325
Detector: -

US EPA has proposed method 325 which requires all petroleum refineries to deploy passive integrated samplers at the fenceline of the refinery to monitor VOC especially Benzene. Quantum Analytical services, Inc. is well equipped and qualified to perform the analysis of Benzene according to the EPA method 325. Please call Dr. Kitto for more details.

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